My lovely little Zoom-Zoom is being driven to Florida tomorrow (Sunday,) and hopefully sold to the potential buyer on Monday.
And since, we couldn't afford two return flight tickets, only my hubby is driving home (tear, I so wish I could go!) and fly back on Friday.
So, today I took the chance of taking him (my car, of course,) out one last time. We enjoyed each other immensely. I took him on country roads, a highway, and normal surface streets. I played one of my favorite CD's (a mix, era February 2006,) and just soaked up the final time with my car.

(I was supposed to look sad, but I think I just look like a disgruntled cartoon character here. oh well.)
Aww, it's sad saying goodbye to a car! I had to drive my little neon one last time too when we sold it! lol
I was really sad when we got rid of my first car earlier this year. It was a really old car, but it was MINE. *sigh*
Ha! You look like your emotions are a mixture of sad and slightly angry that you have to sell it.
aww selling cars kinda sucks! i will always miss my first car that i officially owned!
aww how sad! I am pretty attached to my car too :)
My car looks preety similar to your but white. I will be selling her in a few months. :-( But will get a new car! So I look forward to that. Thanks for commenting on my Blog! I am now a "follower" of yours! Look forward to getting to know you through your Blog.
It is hard to say goodbye to a car.
That IS sad! I wish I had the same affection for our car! Which, by the way, is still not sold and has set up residence in the Mercers driveway.... SO, also horray for a potential buyer!!!!
I would hate to say goodbye to my Car! Hope it had a safe journey! x
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