A wonderful weekend full of relaxation, rest, and, of course, good food, gave me much to be thankful for.
We're blessed with a great group of people here in our town that love and support us, even though we just met 4 months ago!
We're blessed that, even though we got sick, it wasn't bad and we are recovering nicely.
I'm blessed with a wonderful husband, who loves and serves me with all that he can.
I'm blessed with an awesome family that may not always like the fact that we are 'all the way over here,' but they love and support us anyways.
We are blessed with a wonderful Christian hospital in a land that is very unChristian. How I love to read the verse from Proverbs 31 that my blog is based off of, right on the wall in a hospital in the Middle East! So blessed!
And that brings me to my prayer request- Tomorrow is the big day! Doctor's appointment and gender ultrasound day! My request, if ya'll have a minute to lift it up, is that we will get through our border and checkpoint quickly and smoothly in the morning. We are technically still on the visa for the country that we are going into, so we are hoping that they will still let us into that country.
{it makes logical sense that they would, but we refer to this place as the "logic free zone," and last month we were almost made to stamp out of the country we wanted to go into, drive 45 minutes to the other border, stamp into and then right out of that country, then drive back to the original border and get a new visa stamp.}
Please pray that the guards will be in a good mood, that we can communicate clearly with them that we are just going to the hospital and we are not trying to stay in their country.
And pray, that if we are made to do the crazy stamp out/in/out/in, that God's hand will be on us, that we can get it done quickly, and that we have patience through the frustration. We're leaving with plenty of time, in case we are made to do that border run, but it would be such an amazing blessing to get through on our first try. We would even reward ourselves with a trip to McDonalds for breakfast!
Thanks to all! And I can't wait to reveal the gender on Thursday!
Oh I do hope everything goes smoothly! You must be so excited to know your baby's gender! Our u/s is on the 9th, but we're not finding out. :]
And it seems that the trend on blog world is for boys...maybe you'll break that trend? I don't have a solid guess though. We'll just have to wait and see!
thanks for participating! i am lifting you guys and your baby up and praying that everything goes smoothly and all is well with the ultrasound!
Hang in there, girl! Saying a prayer for you that all goes smoothly and that there aren't any problems at the border. I hope you can have a stress-free appointment and just enjoy your time together and your gender-excitement!
I can't wait until you reveal the gender! You and the border situation will be in my prayers.
Def praying for you both!!!! Can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl!! Enjoy your mcdonalds since I know it's going to go super smoothly for you!!
Will be praying, Brittney!! I am so excited to find out about your little one!! Pink or blue???? :)
I will be praying for you! I am so excited to hear how everything goes!!
I will be praying for you! I am so excited to hear how everything goes!!
It is so awesome what you guys are doing..I am praying that everything goes well tomorrow! Oh and I can't wait to hear about it :)
Oh I will definitely pray for you all! Praying God has His hands on you all through the journey! How exciting that you will find out so soon...and that you are feeling your precious little one move more and more often!
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