My dad is a FedEx man.
I've been born and raised around the excitement of a package.
I thrive on packages.
Not just at Christmas, but at any unexpected time through the year when the doorbell rings and a package is awaiting you.
Even if I ordered something and I totally knew it would be coming, my heart begins to race with excitement.
What can I say? It must be an illness.
Not to mention that packages, in essence, put food on my table and a roof over my head for my childhood and well into my young adulthood. Plus, they paid for my wedding. And my car.
Do you see why my love for packages are deep rooted and never changing? Yes? Well let me continue then.
Today, I was sitting in class, minding my own business, going about my day.
Scratch that. I was trying to figure out how to say "I hate Arabic," in Arabic. Alas, I was not successful and therefore kept my mouth shut.
But, the point is, I was still sitting there quietly.
When in walked some friends. They had just made a run to our school's PO Box to pick up all of the student mail and packages.
{As in most undeveloped countries, we don't have an actual address at our house. We describe it by landmarks and neighbors. The locals know who we are anyway. Taxi drivers and the (non effective) police would need those landmarks to find us.
Sadly, the US Postal Service doesn't accept "flat by the large supermarket, halfway between the big mosque and the little car dealership," as an actual physical address. Drat.
So, our school pays for a PO Box and we all get to use it. yay.}
And wouldn't you know it? They had a package for us! I was expecting a package from Ian's parents for his birthday, so I wasn't all that surprised.
But, my nonplussed attitude turned to pure glee when I saw the return address.... My friend Courtney!!!!
I had one hour to lunch break and I had to wait quietly and not open it until after class. I may have leaned over nonchalantly several time to try and slice the tape with a pair of safety scissors. I was unsuccessful.
Lunch came and I tore into that package! Oh my. Pure bliss.
First, let me tell you that I have a running list of things that are hard to find here in the Middle East. When people ask to send a package, and what we need, I pull off several items from that list, so I had a slight idea of what it could contain.
{Also, on a side note, if you know anyone overseas serving (maybe your church has a list of people?,) I can't express to you how special, uplifting, and encouraging it would be for them to receive a package! The shipping will probably be the most expensive part, but you will totally be blessed for thinking of them when they are so far away!}
Yes, so, the goodies. First, I found the card that said it wasn't only from Courtney, but two of my other best friends, Jessica, and Katie. Wow, that totally made my day to see their handwritten note. I felt like I could hear their voices and that I was right there with them!
{Not pictured: BACON BITS! Wahoo! When I opened the package, I had to quickly slip those little morsels of heaven out of the box, and into my purse, in case a Muslim teacher asked to see what I received. I don't want to offend! Anyways, I forgot about them when I took the pictures, but you can bet those little guys will be making their appearances in eggs, on baked potatoes, and in pasta dishes! YUM!}
Thanks friends so much for the thought, time, and money you put into this wonderful package! It totally made my day, week, and month!!
**I've gotten several requests from people on the blog on how to send us packages. Several people mentioned having their small group do it as a service project as the Holiday season approaches, which is an awesome idea! If you'd like to send us a package, email me at and I will give you shipping instructions and some ideas! Thanks so much everyone for caring!**
**I've gotten several requests from people on the blog on how to send us packages. Several people mentioned having their small group do it as a service project as the Holiday season approaches, which is an awesome idea! If you'd like to send us a package, email me at and I will give you shipping instructions and some ideas! Thanks so much everyone for caring!**
That is so delightful of your friends! Packages are truly one of life's more awesome surprises! :]
How fun! It was sweet of them to send you a package, and you got alot of good stuff! Now I want some candy corn . . .
I love getting packages!!
:) Thats so exciting!
I have those exact same pumpkins! I bought them for my table :) Too cute! Great minds think alike :) So your friends must have great minds :)
I love packages too!
you are so right....there is nothing more exciting than awaiting the arrival of a package!!!! i love that feeling! haha! your surprises are so cute and fun.
It must be an illness we share because I love post, packages, parcels. If it has my name on it with a stamp then I love it!
You have very thoughtful friends :)
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