Total weight gain: As of my last Dr.'s appointment, 2 weeks ago, I'm up five pounds. I have a sneaking suspicion that I'll be up another 5-10 pounds this coming appointment, due to extreme hunger, and, you know, holiday gluttony.
Baby Bump? Oh yes. It's definitely apparent I'm pregnant now!
Maternity clothes? I finally got a second pair of maternity jeans, and I wear the two pairs every day. I've been given a couple of maternity shirts from people and will probably be living in those soon!
Cravings: Bread! and Milk! Both help my heartburn.
Symptoms: Really bad back pain. The kind that brings me to tears, doubles me over, and/or keeps me laying down as much as possible. I keep telling myself it's all worth it for our daughter (and it totally is!) but man, does it hurt!
Stretching, walking, heating pads, tylenol, and massages aren't keeping it at bay. Boo.
And...the heartburn. Starting in week 23, I noticed I would have heartburn for the 2-3 hours after breakfast. I have some antacids but I try not to take medicine at the first sign of pain, so I just let it run its course each day.
Then, starting about 3 days ago, it's all the time, 24 hours a day. Bleh. I've cut out citrus, chocolate (kind of,) tomatoes, tea, and coffee but it wasn't really helping. I just figured out today that milk is the only thing that really helps. I drink 4-8 ounces as an appetizer and as a chaser for each meal. ha!
Sleep: The nap is making a come back! I am so tired by the time school is over and I relish those 30-45 minutes a day that I get to nap. Sleep at night is solid though, and I love that!
Best moment this week: Seeing baby kick from the outside!
Movement: Yes, all of the time! I think her schedule is something like 11 am, 2 pm, 6 pm, and 11 pm. I'm not sure about an early morning one, though I often feel her move for a minute or two right when I get up at 8!
Ian still hasn't been able to feel her, even though I can feel her from the outside. He gets really bummed and frustrated, and I'm starting to think that his fingertip nerves must be totally deadened.
Gender: GIRL! We are so excited to welcome our daughter into our arms.
Belly Button in or out? In, and not really bulging or anything.
What I miss: Not feeling huge. I really feel big right now and I know I'm just going to get bigger!
Weekly Wisdom: Making wise financial choices now will help things when baby girl makes her entrance. We were supposed to be taking a real vacation to Jordan in January, but due to some circumstances, I'm not sure we're going to be able to make it :( When we sat down and talked about it though, we realized that the money we were going to spend on plane tickets, activities, and food would more than cover her crib, changing table, and possibly her wardrobe! I'm not sure if we'll have to buy all of that ourselves, but we definitely need to be saving in case we do!
Milestones: Reaching viability week! I'm not sure our hospital here would actually be able to keep her alive, but it's still a milestone, nonetheless!
You look great!
My doctor said Tums is good for pregnant ladies. He says that if one of his patients isn't getting enough calcium from their diet, he will tell them to take 1-3 tums a day. So you should try it for heartburn! I have heartburn too and a tums before bed is great for me!
You look great! It's amazing how our perspectives change when we have kids. Priorities take on a whole new meaning!
You can see the difference so clearly in your bump between 23 and 24! You look like your flourishing!
Hope the heartburn settles and have a lovely Christmas! :)
you look beautiful brittney!:)
You look so great, Brittney!!!
You look GREAT! :-)
you're too cute! and i lived on milk... it was really the only thing that'd soothe it for me too
Yea... so have missed all this! What the heck? Congrats and you look wonderful! :)
Cute and good advice :-)
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